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Our work in Chiapas

Our primary goal has always been to provide opportunities for participants to use photography for their own creative ends. Most photographers associated with the Chiapas Photography Project have engaged in personal or group photo projects about their lives, families, and cultures. Some individuals have only participated for a few months in CPP activities and programs while others have continued since they first became involved, some as early as 1993. Some have gone on to use photography outside CPP, either as independent artists or as professional photographers operating small businesses or serving their communities. Some have received grants and awards, created their own exhibitions and participated in those of others. Several have had their work included in academic and other publications.

Artist development

A priority of the Project is to provide ongoing training activities for indigenous Maya people in Chiapas. Training often begins with teaching someone how to hold and operate a camera. Later, the focus is on improving skills and developing personal vision. Instruction takes place one-on-one, and in workshops and short courses. Visiting photographers have taught sessions on a range of photographic techniques. Additionally, we facilitate sponsorships for visiting artists to provide further training for CPP photographers, and we help identify residency opportunities for participants to take courses or be mentored by professional photographers.

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